Saturday, January 5, 2013

Friendy friend

If you are reading this Cece, you are freaking awesome and I'm blessed you're my close friend.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Love Friends and Future Wife?

I love having long talks about life with friends.  it is seriously the best thing ever.  i love it because we can grow so much in friendship when we share whats happening in our lives with others and talk about what we can pray for.  i feel so blessed that i have friends i can do that with and i am so stoked that i have friends who genuinely love Jesus.  it wasn't until a couple weeks ago after a bible study when i really realized how lucky i am in it made me so happy.  having fellowship with other christians is one of the best things i have ever experienced and i absolutely love all of my friends.  i do not really thing any of you know how much you guys mean to me.  you encourage me, pray for me, give me advise and insight, and just make me happy.

Something i was just thinking about was the idea of relationships and marriage and that whole deal.  Something that is so far in the future...and potentially right in front of me.  I want so badly to meet the girl god has planned for me, but i can very realistically see that never happening.  Its not even just the idea of me doing something wrong, just the idea of never meeting that right person.  It is not that hard of a concept i think.  I try to tell myself i am content with whatever god gives me, and for the most part i am.  But it is not easy.  Anyone knows it is not easy to give up what they want.  How much harder is it to just believe whole heartedly that gods will is good?  I struggle with that.  Not that i doubt god is in control and he is good.  I struggle with wanting things that i know i may not get (speaking of marriage). 

I would like more than anything to meet a girl who loves me for the dork that i am.  Someone who puts up with all the stupid things i do.  I get mad like anyone else, i do things i regret, i have probably have annoying habits and probably have a pretty bad sense of fashion.  It would be solid if there was someone who loved me despite all my crappy qualities.  Rather, not only put up with them, but liked them.  Of course it is not one way and i would have to feel identically.  At the current moment, i really want to meet a girl who has a genuine love for the lord where we can just grow in our relationship with him together.  we could minister to each other and serve each other.  Study together, pray together.  that is what i want.  someone who could be my partner.  Someone who would want to just hang out and do nothing together, watch tv, go bike riding, skiing, go to concerts, or anything else.  It would be so chill if i met someone who would go do things that she doesn't like but will put up with it just cause she know its something i want to do and visa versa.  In a nut shell, i want a best friend.  A best friend that will always be there and will have the same love fore me as i would her.  I probably sound stupid and am just rambling but whatever it is like 1am.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

No Facebook

The community of people now days that use social networking is enormous.  For me personally, facebook has taken over my life.  It has gotten to the point where if im not out with friends i will sit on my computer all day on facebook with my guitar in hand.  The past two days i hat rock bottom.  There were plenty of things i could have done like read a book or do something outside, but instead i chose to stare at a computer screen all day.

At this point i decided i needed to make a change.  As of yesterday (wednesday) i have de activated my facebook and am attempting to go 2 weeks without facebook.  ideally i would just stop using facebook completely.  this would give me so much more time to get into the word and also to persue activities have have stopped like parkour and maybe some bouldering with some friends?  I always talk about how kids spend too much time playing video games, but who am i to look down on that when i do pretty much the same thing except on facebook?  Im going to try and walk the walk and not just talk the talk.  But the question now is what exactly WILL i do.  i dont see myself training for parkour anymore.  At least not by myself.  Maybe if i got a buddy to go with me i will but maybe not.  Something i want to do more of is ride my bike.  like ride it in these mountain trails just a little bit from my house.

There are a couple rational reasons why i would want to stay on facebook though.  One being that it is such an easy way to share pictures and find pics of your friends and yourself.  You can upload hundreds at a time and same with video.  It is cool to post something you recorded and get almost instant feedback from friends and stuff.  I guess if i record anything i could just post it on youtube or on this blog for like the one person who reads this to look at.  another good thing is all the invent invites.  facebook tells you info on stuff going on like shows, times, addresses.  Also the band pages help you stay in touch with what different bands are doing and you can find tour dates and listen to music and whatnot.  The only reason i have not deleted my fb earlier was because of the event and band pages or else i would have a long time ago. 

In a nutshell, facebook sucks and drains your life away.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Tuesday Nights Are Legitttt

So the past 3 weeks some friends and i have been doing this Tuesday night bible study.  It was an idea my friend TJ had when we were hanging out one day.  We wanted to get together and do devos together and then a couple days later he told me he invited two of his friends.  Then i got one of our other friends to go so in total five of us got together.  The whole thing went a lot smoother than i really intended.  I figured it would probably be really un organized and off topic but everyone remained really focused pretty much the whole time and we got through the book of James in two weeks.  One three of us met the 3rd week and we went through chapter one of Romans.  Hopefully  we are able to keep this up and maybe get through Romans.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Go To Camp =D

So working at 5:30 am has its advantages.  For one, it gets me out of bed early and i have a longer day.  On the other hand, having a long day makes me so bored.  I got off work at ten this morning which gives me until 12 before i have class.  There is not point in driving all the way home just so i can drive all the way back an hour later.  I decided to go get del taco for breakfast.  Their 49 cent burritos are not that bad.  By the time i get to school. i still have an hour and a half to kill.  This leads me to the computer lab mindlessly wasting away an hour on facebook and now writing this.  It is nice though how on mornings i don't work i can get up earlier and read my bible and pray before the day really starts though.  There has been a lot on my mind to pray about lately so this extra time is really helpful in that sense.

I got back from winter camp last weekend with the junior high.  It was pretty awesome up there.  All the kids were really cool and pretty fun to hang out with and eat with.  On the last night we had wrestling in our cabin, and although i was very tired from the day, i put up with it for a while and jumped in for a match.  I don't think God really used me so much in any of their lives (and if he did i am completely un aware of it), but i think it would be sweet to get to work with them again.  I met so many awesome people up there that i hope i will get to see again and become better friends with in the future.  I love how coming up for camp and getting together for the sole purpose of growing in our lord also grows us closer together as people.  I love meeting and making friends with other guys and girls that can share in there love for jesus with me.  That is something i have not had most of my life, but now that i have had a little of it, i want more.

I am so happy with what god has done and is doing in my life right now.  I don't remember ever being as satisfied in him as i have been for quite a while.  I pray every day that he does not let my fire go out and that he keeps filling me with his spirit every day.  There are a lot of things i would like to happen in my life right now, and maybe some of them will.  But i have full faith that if they don't, it is for the best because my god loves me.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Excited For Camp

It is 11:07 pm and i have been up since 5:30 am.  I'm super tired right now but i wanted to write before i went to bed.  My father and i went up to Big Bear today to go skiing.  It was very fun.  I have not gone skiing in probably a little over a year and I'm not going to lie, i did work.  I totally kicked my dads butt all over the mountain.  This just added to my tiredness.

So next weekend is the winter camp for the junior high and high school at kingsfield church.  This is my first year going up as a leader for junior high.  I am very excited, and at the same time a little bit nervous.  Ever since i was in middle school i have wanted to be a leader when i was older.  Now that the time has finally arrived i feel like i am so ill prepared!  Who am i to lead a group of younglings in there walk with the lord?  I don't have any extensive knowledge or any wise words to share.  I keep praying that god will fill me with his spirit and teach me to be like him so that he can use me in whatever way he wants me to be used at camp.  If nothing else i want god to use me as an example for the junior high students.  An example of someone who has a real lasting relationship with the one true god and not just some act i put on.  I remember when i was little and doing the whole Sunday school thing.  I thought all the adults that taught us were the coolest.  I wonder if anyone will think like that of me?  I just pray that I can represent god through the way i live accurately bringing honor to him and i hope that in one way or another god uses me to affect a students life.

Another aspect of camp i am quite excited about is to get to know the different leaders from different churches.  I think it is really cool how so many people from different churches know each other and are really tight.  I would love if i could click with the other guys and make good relations with them so then on future occasions we will be able to look back on camp with good memories or continue to make memories if our friendships continue to grow.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I Want a Beard

So i have now gone a week without shaving and i feel pathetic by how far i have gone.  There is NOTHING i would like more in this life than to grow a nice thick beard, but all i got going for me is some nice patchy fur growing on my cheeks.  I'm contemplating going another week just to see how things turn out but I'm a little embarrassed to go out in public in my current state.  Especially cause i have work today.  We will see.

On a  side note, I'm a little frustrated with any guitar riff or lyrics I'm putting out right now.  I cant seem to be content with it.  It is strange, whenever i write a song that is in one way or another bringing glory to God, or something deep on my heart, i love how it turns out.  but anything secular just does not make the cut.  especially lyric wise cause i like some of my riffs.  Maybe its a sign that i should just play for God?  Maybe I'm just going crazy and suck at writing music.  Whatever it is I hope it stops.